
Tesco Bank Attack

The financial strain from large-scale cyber attacks can be huge, which is why banks are investing heavily in cyber security. The UK financial institution Tesco Bank was hit by a large coordinated cyber attack just days after one of its main rivals, Barclays experienced a similar attac …

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Perceptions of Security

It goes without saying that breaches in security are a problem. What is interesting is how the severity of cyber attacks perceived by the general public, media and government differs from reality. First Published 2nd November 2016 "Hello hacker. Please go away. Thank you." - Phew... t …

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Three Kinds of Governmental Hacking

For one, private email accounts provide global government agencies with a means to conduct surveillance without leaving behind an official paper trail. Ask Hillary. First Published 12th October 2016 Rage against the machine, three ways. 4 min read | Reflare Research Team In this brief …

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Medical Devices and Security Issues

Medical Devices and Security Issues

Medical devices have a unique straddle over both the physical and digital world. However, they are often susceptible to cyber attacks as they allow wireless communication between electronic devices. First Published 5th October 2016 There are risks with body parts that have a mind of t …

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Cyber Security in the Mainstream

There was a time when cyber security was just another IT service. Then, everything changed; media, governments and broader society finally realised what had been going on behind their backs for years - "Cyber Attacks" were indeed "the next big thing", and they needed to be prepared fo …

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Probing the Internet's Backbone

Probing the Internet's Backbone

To understand how disruption could lead to a failure of internet services, one only needs to understand the concept of DNS (Domain Name System), which is the plumbing behind the internet that translates human-readable domain names with IP addresses. First Published 21st September 2016 …

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Olympic Hacking

The Olympic Games are not usually an occasion for espionage and cyber attack. However, the attack on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) showed what a dedicated adversary could do with the massive amounts of data they obtained from such an event. First Published 14th September 2016 Ci …

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US Hacking Investigations & UK Password Leaks

US Hacking Investigations & UK Password Leaks

Malicious actors do not need to be skilled in hacking techniques anymore. They can simply analyse unknowingly leaked information from the victim's Twitter account. Not optimal. First Published 7th September 2016 If you really must tweet a pic of your office whiteboard, please make sur …

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The US Response to Cyber Attacks

There has been a rapidly increasing number of accusations directed against foreign governments undertaking malicious activity focused on political parties, candidates, government agencies, the media and government infrastructure. First Published 31st August 2016 Cyber is increasingly …

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NSA Hack Update & Attacks on New York Times

NSA Hack Update & Attacks on New York Times

Cyber attacks on newspapers and other journalistic outlets are some of the most dangerous attacks possible, as they have the potential to impact an entire nation’s public opinion just as much as any government document or military secret. First Published 24th August 2016 All the news …

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