Research / High Tech (3)

Reddit's Hack & The Risks of Phone-Based 2-Factor Authentication

Reddit's Hack & The Risks of Phone-Based 2-Factor Authentication

While it is clear that the 2FA implementation was not at fault here, there are significant risks associated with phone based 2FA that warrant serious consideration before you make this type of authentication method available to users. First Published 6th August 2018 r/LetsHackReddit 4 …

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Dealing with the Increasingly Severe Cyber-Threat Landscape

Dealing with the Increasingly Severe Cyber-Threat Landscape

The severity of cyber attacks has increased at a rapid pace over the past several years. No longer is it just large companies that need to secure themselves from malicious actors; individual users now must consider how they can protect themselves too. First Published 27th July 2018 Th …

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How Attacks are Escalated

An attack takes place and either succeeds or fails. The reality however is more complicated. Attackers are often able to initially gain a minor foothold in the target and then over time leverage it into a more devastating attack. First Published 20th July 2018 Вверх, вверх, вверх! 3 m …

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Hacked Hotel Keys - Current and Historical

In a hotel room, the door lock forms the last line of defence against unauthorised access to a guest’s belongings. However, the F-Secure story of the “Hacked Hotel Keys” is way more complex and interesting. First Published 27th April 2018 I've got the key. I've got the secret. 4 min r …

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Meltdown & Spectre

Meltdown & Spectre

Not a week goes by without yet another attack being disclosed that can allow an attacker to take over any unpatched system, steal data, access corporate networks, and all kind of other fun activities. Meltdown and Spectre are the newest members in a long line of similar attacks. First …

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ROBOT Attack - Specification vs Implementation

ROBOT is a new attack against TLS, the encrypted communications protocol used for browsing the web, sending email via Outlook, and many other everyday tasks that use encryption. First Published 15th December 2017 I, Robot. 4 min read | Reflare Research Team This week saw the release o …

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KRACK, WPA2 & Unforeseen Behaviour

KRACK, WPA2 & Unforeseen Behaviour

There are some shocking headlines going around about a newly discovered security flaw called KRACK. But one of the biggest reasons for this panic is because many people are unaware that WPA and WPA2 have long been considered broken. First Published 20th October 2017 Removal of the pow …

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