Research / High Tech (2)

Cryptocurrencies, 51% and the Future of Botnets

In spite of several innovative and complementary alternative decentralised financial applications being built using blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies still struggle for mainstream adoption. One of the reasons for this is a tendency for security scares resulting from apparent cri …

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The Root of Security Bugs

The Root of Security Bugs

Even the giants can get it wrong. In November of 2017, Mac users running the then newest incarnation of Apple’s operating system — macOS High Sierra, which was released only a month before — were open to attack. The bug allowed anyone with access to the computer to log in as the “root …

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New Hacking Techniques Targeting Car Keys

It has been proven that hackers can communicate with the encrypted logic of a car's key fob to force it to unlock vehicles. What's more, these keys can be cloned and duplicated using off-the-shelf equipment, allowing anyone to open and drive a vehicle without the keys or validating au …

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What is 00153random02009d?

What is 00153random02009d?

The usefulness of randomness is obvious. However, the probabilistic nature of computers limits their usefulness with the concept. Subsequently, you would reasonably assume that a body like the gambling industry would understand such limitations, but apparently not.

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Hacking the Radio, and Other Analogue Vulnerabilities

Hacking the Radio, and Other Analogue Vulnerabilities

If the signal from your favourite radio station isn’t streaming smoothly to your dial, it may be malicious interference from someone who doesn’t appreciate the program you’re trying to listen to. That’s exactly what happened recently to a number of stations around the world where an i …

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Reflare presents with Deloitte at Blackhat

The results presented in this study explored the inherent correlation biases found in widely used computer vision models, which were leveraged to create images that these systems failed to interpret correctly. First Published 9th May 2021 The reversing engineer. 3 min read | 27 min vi …

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Even More Evidence to Show Us the Dangers of Poorly Designed Smart Devices

Oh no!

The increasing scale and flexibility of DDoS attacks should be a wake-up call for IoT manufacturers as such breaches become more prevalent in both consumer and industrial automation systems. But who will be able to resolve the challenge of providing security for these devices as they …

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Russia Envisions a More Closed Internet

Russian bill No. 571793-6, which is also called Доктрина демократического развития интернета (the Digital Economy National Program), or “ДНП” for short would increase the government’s ability "flick the switch." First Published 18th February 2019 The frameworks for geographically-base …

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The Risks Applications Face From Central Package Repositories

The Risks Application Face From Central Package Repositories

When developer teams use a central place for sharing their applications or libraries of code, they open themselves to the risk that attackers might get in. And once in, malware can be implanted and distributed with ease. First Published 25th January 2019 Where are you keeping your pac …

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Updates on Supply Chain Level Backdoors and Magecart

It appears that the supply chain level backdoor has been thought of as a viable business model for quite some time. And now people (and governments) are asking the pointy questions. First Published 12th October 2018 For a nostalgic feel, Supermicro's latest quantum prototype comes in …

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