Reflare Research Team

Posts by Reflare Research Team

Insider Threats During Times of Conflicts

Insider Threats During Times of Conflicts

As organisations strive for diversity and inclusion across their employee groups, we must not lose sight of the fact that groups of employees are still individuals with their own beliefs, identities, and affiliations. As tensions continue to rise in the geopolitical world, cybersecuri …

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Making a Business Case for Information Security Training

Making a Business Case for Information Security Training

While information security training is an absolute necessity for any modern organisation, it can be surprisingly difficult to convince decision-makers to allocate funding, let alone perform a successful rollout.

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The Evolving Arms Race of IT Security Countermeasures

Ask yourself - who really benefits from the arms race?

The attack technique appears to circumvent so-called ASLR protection mechanisms by triaging the exact memory location of a running process from differences in function response times.

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How to Define the Right Cyber Security Training Objectives and Outcomes

Identifying the right talent development areas for your organisation's infosec needs is all about asking the right questions... and listening carefully to the answers.

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Do Not Fear The AI - Embrace It

Do Not Fear The AI - Embrace It

As it stands, AI cannot completely replace a competent cybersecurity professional. However, AI can play a positive (yet limited) role in improving our effectiveness, regardless of how society is starting to believe the ultimate disruptor has arrived.

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Hard to Verify Claims of Hacking Go Both Ways

Hard to Verify Claims of Hacking Go Both Ways

Cyber espionage tends to morph into an issue of national pride. Anyone in the cyber security sector will tell you that there are a lot of attacks out there which go unreported for fear of receiving reputational retaliation by issuing unprovable blame. First Published 10th March 2020 | …

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Ships, Update Cycles, and the Reliance on Guidance Systems

Multiple parties are looking into ways of disrupting GPS, and especially GPS-related systems. However, this attack is notable because it demonstrates how cyber attacks can leverage wireless communication systems that were not designed with security in mind. First Published 8th June 20 …

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How to Review and Improve Your Cybersecurity Training Processes

How to Review and Improve Your Cybersecurity Training Processes

Continuously improving your IT security training program is a very noble cause. However, most training leaders do not have sufficient processes in place (beyond what's in their own heads) to drive meaningful and coherent change.

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Attacks Against Infrastructure & Mortal Consequences

The world is heading towards a dangerous crossroads in cyber security. A future in which, more and more, critical physical systems - whether machinery or utilities - have a direct impact on human life. First Published 1st March 2021 | Latest Refresh 15th January 2023 It seems hackers …

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Why TPPs Matter and Attributions Do Not

Attribution is hard, and even when done successfully, it's often wrong. Instead, understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of threat actors can help you look for indicators of compromise, and help you prepare for future attacks.

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