AirTags - The Good, The Bad, and the Future of Tracking Devices
by Reflare Research Team on May 2, 2023 7:57:00 PM
As AirTags gain popularity, this seemingly convenient technology also has plenty of growing concerns surrounding privacy and security. Players in the tracking device market must stay two steps ahead to successfully manage the fallout of product misuse.
Strengthening Cyber Resilience
by Reflare Research Team on Apr 23, 2023 7:29:00 PM
Recent geopolitical events have put IT security departments across the globe on high alert. However, when interacting with colleagues from other departments, does anyone even know what we're talking about?
Let's Talk GPT-4 and the Future of Cybersecurity
by Reflare Research Team on Apr 5, 2023 7:55:00 PM
The cybersecurity landscape must adapt to both the opportunities and challenges that AI advancements like GPT-4 bring. We delve into the Italy-ChatGPT situation, experts' concerns, and the potential implications of LLMs in the realm of cybersecurity.
Lapsus$, MFA Bombing, and Human Behaviour
by Reflare Research Team on Apr 5, 2023 7:45:00 PM
As cybersecurity departments bucket money into solutions that improve network security, highly exploitable staff keep letting attackers in. Malicious actors know your users are your weakest link, and if you think their trickery is becoming sophisticated, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Data Recovery Plans Matter
by Reflare Research Team on Mar 20, 2023 7:54:00 PM
Data recovery plans are essential in times of natural disasters, as they ensure that critical data is protected and can be recovered quickly in the event of loss or damage. However, it is startling how few organisations have meaningful plans in place.
Insider Threats During Times of Conflicts
by Reflare Research Team on Mar 20, 2023 7:31:00 PM
As organisations strive for diversity and inclusion across their employee groups, we must not lose sight of the fact that groups of employees are still individuals with their own beliefs, identities, and affiliations. As tensions continue to rise in the geopolitical world, cybersecuri …
Making a Business Case for Information Security Training
by Reflare Research Team on Mar 17, 2023 6:49:00 PM
While information security training is an absolute necessity for any modern organisation, it can be surprisingly difficult to convince decision-makers to allocate funding, let alone perform a successful rollout.
The Evolving Arms Race of IT Security Countermeasures
by Reflare Research Team on Mar 3, 2023 5:25:00 PM
The attack technique appears to circumvent so-called ASLR protection mechanisms by triaging the exact memory location of a running process from differences in function response times.
How to Define the Right Cyber Security Training Objectives and Outcomes
by Reflare Research Team on Feb 19, 2023 6:51:00 PM
Identifying the right talent development areas for your organisation's infosec needs is all about asking the right questions... and listening carefully to the answers.
Do Not Fear The AI - Embrace It
by Reflare Research Team on Feb 3, 2023 7:52:00 PM
As it stands, AI cannot completely replace a competent cybersecurity professional. However, AI can play a positive (yet limited) role in improving our effectiveness, regardless of how society is starting to believe the ultimate disruptor has arrived.