Reflare Research Team

Posts by Reflare Research Team

A Quick Introduction to Symbolic Execution

A Quick Introduction to Symbolic Execution

By analysing the behaviour of programs under various hypothetical inputs represented as symbolic values, this technique allows security professionals to systematically uncover and address potential security flaws that might not be evident during conventional testing.

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Path Traversal and The Good Old Days

Why do old cybersecurity vulnerabilities like path traversal still pose risks to contemporary digital infrastructures? After multiple decades, their enduring presence shows us there is still much we can learn from the past.

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The CVE-2024-3094 Saga

Open-source software powers the backbone of the internet, driving everything from tiny IoT devices to massive data centres. However, CVE-2024-3094 serves as yet another cautionary tale of trust and treachery. First Published 29th April 2024 Trust me. 5 min read | Reflare Research Team …

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Reverse Engineering is Not Hard with LLM Powered Tools

Reverse Engineering is Not Hard with LLM Powered Tools

With the advent of LLM-powered tools, the intricate task of reverse engineering compiled software is becoming more manageable, allowing newcomers and seasoned professionals to navigate the process more easily. First Published 9th April 2024 The reversing engineer. 4 min read | Reflare …

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Understanding the Post-Exploitation Jargon and Concepts

Post-exploitation is the art of the 'what next?' for cyber attackers, a critical phase where they leverage access to dig deeper, escalate privileges, and extract valuable data. First Published 29th February 2023 Post exploitation. 4 min read | Reflare Research Team Imagine yourself as …

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Is Your CPU Leaking Sensitive Data?

Is Your CPU Leaking Sensitive Data?

In a recent turn of events, Intel and AMD are once again under the cybersecurity spotlight, with critical vulnerabilities found in their CPUs, challenging the notion of hardware-level security in modern computing.

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Exploring Data Science and Machine Learning the Cybersecurity Way

 Exploring Data Science and Machine Learning the Cybersecurity Way

Focusing on the dynamic interplay between artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, we cast an eye over some of the more valuable projects in the areas of malware detection and software vulnerability analysis.

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The Benefits of Studying Classic Systems and Exploitation Techniques

In a rapidly evolving technological world where it's easy to be dazzled by the cutting-edge, the wisdom and treasure to be found in the exploitation techniques of yesteryear remains timeless.

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FTX Hacker Finally Making a Move

After FTX's monumental crash and a hacker's theft of hundreds of millions, the crypto world searched for answers, and just when the trail seemed cold, unexpected activity sparked from the suspected hacker's wallet.

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Hacking Large Language Models

Hacking Large Language Models

Top AI companies have challenged hackers to trick chatbots into producing inappropriate or inaccurate answers. We explore the inner workings of Large Language Models (LLMs), the innovative techniques to exploit them, and the critical safeguards necessary to ensure their secure and eth …

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