Research / Infosec Culture (3)

The Blind(ish) Eye of Local Government Cybersecurity

The level of understanding many state and local agencies possess about their cybersecurity capabilities is disturbing. We asked why they knew so little, and the answers we received made us cringe with despair. First Published 31st January 2022 | Latest Refresh 1st September 2022 "Ever …

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Hey Biotech - These New Problems Are Not What You Think

Biotechnology companies are starting to look more and more attractive to hackers, and a number of successful exploits should give pause to industry leaders. However, things are not quite what they seem. First Published 14th January 2022 | Latest Refresh 7th August 2022 "Nope! Can't fi …

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Cybersecurity Professionals Suck at Practising What They Preach

Cybersecurity professionals are in a great position to leak sensitive and confidential information. Although most of the profession abides by an excellent moral and ethical stance, the assumption that "the cybersecurity industry is secure" is categorically untrue.

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On Darknet Marketplaces, Cryptocurrencies, and the Flow of Funds

Darknet marketplaces have been around for years, but they have been problematic for both those who run them, and the law-enforcement agencies who look to stamp them out. However, with sophisticated use of cryptocurrencies, these platforms are about to enter a period of rapid expansion …

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A Look at Politically Motivated Hacks Through the Lens of the Donald Daters App

If you’re a hopeless romantic (and who isn’t), then you can probably appreciate the irony of the “No. 1 Place for Patriotic Singles” having some of the weakest security on the internet. First Published 19th October 2018 | Latest Refresh 5th April 2022 Horny and confused. 4 min read | …

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A Case-Study on the Quality of Infosec Reporting

There are few things that infosec professionals hate more than having their work misrepresented, misunderstood, or sensationalised to the point that it loses all semblance of truth. First Published 18th January 2019 | Latest Refresh 23rd February 2022 Fair and balanced? 5 min read | R …

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Thinking of Cybersecurity in Relative Terms

There is an enormous disconnect between industry experts, reporters and users when discussing cybersecurity incidents and risks. This leaves a chasm of misunderstanding regarding the severity and scope of what is possible. First Published 9th October 2019 | Latest Refresh 8th February …

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The Logic Behind Suing Hackers

The Logic Behind Suing Hackers

Microsoft successfully sued a network of Russian “Fancy Bear” (APT28) hackers, which has been blamed for many cyber attacks, including the DNC hack in 2016. Wait... is Microsoft actually suing hackers?!? First Published 25th August 2017 | Latest Refresh 23rd January 2022 Microsoft get …

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How to Ask for Honest User Feedback on Your IT Security Training Program

How to Ask for Honest User Feedback on Your IT Security Training Program

Both tech and non-tech staff understand how important IT security is, and they will happily tell you what they think of your training initiatives if you ask them. Are you ready to hear it? And even if you are, what are you going to do next?

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The Changing Image of Cyber Warfare

The evolution of cyber attacks has raised the profile of cyber warfare. For example, one cyber attack against state-owned Saudi Aramco almost destroyed the company’s entire computer system. The attack was rated as being capable of causing $150 billion in damage, which would rank it eq …

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