Research / Infosec Culture

Understanding Cyber Threat Intelligence - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

As cyberattacks evolve into high-stakes showdowns, Cyber Threat Intelligence can emerge as your organisation's most trusted lookout - if you know how to sift through the hype.

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The Shadow War: Advanced Persistent Threats in Modern Cybersecurity

APTs are the top predators in the digital landscape. Advanced cyber tactics, ranging from basic break-ins to sophisticated and prolonged campaigns, are blurring the lines between annoying disruption and outright warfare. Throwing shade.

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A History of Government Attempts to Compromise Encryption and Privacy

The dance between maintaining national security and protecting individual privacy has been complex, shaped by the evolving landscape of technology. And it’s not over yet - not by a long shot.

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Capture The Flag: Honing the Edge in Cybersecurity

One of the most effective – and, let's face it, entertaining – methods of cybersecurity development is participating in Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions.

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Understanding the Post-Exploitation Jargon and Concepts

Post-exploitation is the art of the 'what next?' for cyber attackers, a critical phase where they leverage access to dig deeper, escalate privileges, and extract valuable data. First Published 29th February 2023 Post exploitation. 4 min read | Reflare Research Team Imagine yourself as …

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The Benefits of Studying Classic Systems and Exploitation Techniques

In a rapidly evolving technological world where it's easy to be dazzled by the cutting-edge, the wisdom and treasure to be found in the exploitation techniques of yesteryear remains timeless.

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Hacking Large Language Models

Hacking Large Language Models

Top AI companies have challenged hackers to trick chatbots into producing inappropriate or inaccurate answers. We explore the inner workings of Large Language Models (LLMs), the innovative techniques to exploit them, and the critical safeguards necessary to ensure their secure and eth …

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It's Time for Corporate Leaders to Prioritise Cybersecurity Over Comfort and Convenience

A recent breach in Nagoya has revealed (again) the illusion that maintaining outdated software is more cost-effective than upgrading to secure systems, particularly in organisations predominantly run by leaders who are comfortable with older technologies.

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How to Set Meaningful Cyber Security Development Goals

Having an acute understanding of not just the 'what', but the 'why' your staff members require specific capability development is critical for deploying training that gives the business what it really needs.

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AirTags - The Good, The Bad, and the Future of Tracking Devices

As AirTags gain popularity, this seemingly convenient technology also has plenty of growing concerns surrounding privacy and security. Players in the tracking device market must stay two steps ahead to successfully manage the fallout of product misuse.

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